Easy road trip snack hacks for kids
So you’re going a on road trip with the fam? Sweet. Well, let me make your life a lot easier with these simple hacks for road trip snacks. Then, you can sit back and relax. Take a look.

So, we’ve all been there before. You’re on your road trip in the front seat and your kids are in the back. They keep asking for a snack, then a drink and then another snack. That’s pretty much how the rest of the trip goes, while you’re teetering on the bridge of insanity the whole way. Well, here’s a solution to your road trip snack woes.

Think healthy for your road trip snack packs
So, instead of loading my kids full of sugar, I found some healthy alternatives. Plus, my kids still like to eat them. Here’s the list:
- Fruit leather
- Ritz cheese and crackers
- Fruit snacks
- Baby carrots
- Snap peas
- Hi Chews
- Wheat thins
- Pretzels
- Trail mix
- Jerky
- Sunflower seeds or nuts
- Apple slices
- Grapes
- Cheese sticks
- Goldfish crackers
- Dried fruit
- Veggie Straws
- Chips
- Granola bars
- Bottled water

Pack snacks individually
Next, load your snacks into individual meal prep containers. Since I have four kids I made filled four containers for the drive there and four containers for the way home.

Make sure each container has the same types of snacks, otherwise your kids will complain. It’s okay if you have food that needs to be refrigerated. Just through your filled containers in the fridge until you leave.

Keep separate bag of treats up front with you
After you’ve been driving several hours and your kids are driving you crazy, pull out some surprise treats in a separate bag. It’s the perfect incentive to get them to behave and make the drive a little bit more bearable. Plus, they won’t get sick from eating too many treats.

Throw in some activity books
Road trip activity books are pretty inexpensive and they keep my kids entertained for quite a little while. Plus, they get super excited to have their own activity book.

The whole point of these individualized road trip snack packs is to minimize fighting among siblings, minimize garbage and minimize the amount of times you have to turn around and help yet another child get something to eat. And guess what? It works!

What other ideas do you have making your road trip a success? Leave your comments below.
Related link: Road trip dos and don’ts with kids