Host a Dessert Dash for your next holiday party
A Dessert Dash is a jolly fun way to get into the holiday spirit. This party game is loads of delicious fun for everyone and super easy. Check it out!

Every year, our church holds a Christmas party. So last year, my friend was in charge and decided to throw what’s called a Dessert Dash. It was a hit! I asked her if it was okay if I share her idea on my blog … so thanks Susan! Anyway, here’s all the details so you can throw one at your next holiday party.

Recruit your cake makers
In order to make this party a success, you need to recruit some of your guests ahead of time to make a cake. You’ll need a cake for each table at your party. Make sure you emphasize the importance of making a really fancy, delicious cake. Try to give them one to two weeks notice so they have time to plan what type of cake they will make.

Prep your venue and display the cakes
You’ll want to show up ahead of time to decorate your venue. Make sure everyone who makes a cake brings it early so you have time to display them on the buffet table.

Place a sign on the table that explains the rules (see photo below). This also helps mitigate little hands from picking at the desserts too early. You can also make labels ahead of time with the name of the cake and the person who baked it.

Guests fill out the questionnaire
As your guests arrive, allow them to pick a table to sit at. Place a questionnaire in front of each seat. Allow time for everyone to fill out the questionnaire and tally their points. Then, each table needs to add up the combined points for a grand total. You can ask whatever questions you would like on the questionnaire. The photo below gives you some examples.

Let the games begin
When you’re ready to begin, ask one person from each table to send up a “runner” to the opposite side of the room from where the cakes are. Each runner gives you the grand total points for their table. Subsequently, the table with the most points gets a piece of paper with the number one on it. Each table after that with smaller grand totals get a lower number.

Line all the runners up and then yell “go”! The person with number one has five seconds to run to the dessert table and pick the best dessert. After five seconds, the next runner gets to go and so forth until all of the desserts are gone.

It’s fun to watch everyone dash for their favorite dessert. Plus, it’s okay if you don’t get the dessert you want. Everyone ends up sharing at the end.

We had so much fun enjoying admiring these beautiful desserts, getting to know everyone at our table and enjoying the delicious treats at the end. Everyone had such a great time. It was the perfect holiday celebration with friends.

If cake-making isn’t your forte, here’s a great cake decorating kit to get you started. Happy holidays!
Related link: 15 Christmas kids crafts
NEVER stop reaching. Onward!