50 easy ways to be a member missionary today!
I love Jesus. I love who he is and who he represents. But sometimes it can seems overwhelming and kind of scary to share your beliefs with those around you. That’s why I’ve come up with 50 easy ways to share your beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a non-threatening and loving way. Check it out.

I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My belief in this church influences everything that I do and it makes me so happy. I want others to experience that happiness as well. But it’s hard to talk about religion with other people. Even though I served a mission in Paris, France, it doesn’t make it any easier. Then I realized that I was making it harder than it needed to be. That’s why I put together this list of ideas of how you can be a member missionary today. Check it out.

Sharing the Gospel in conversation
- “This weekend, this cool thing happened at my church …”
- Tell the next telemarketer that you’ll listen to their message if they listen to yours
- Take an online language learning class on italki or Baselang and share your beliefs with your teacher
- Record the following message as your voicemail, “Hi! You’ve reached ____________. Sorry I missed your call. If you want to learn more about Jesus, let me know. Otherwise, you can visit churchofjesuschrist.org. Have a great day!”
- When your non-member friend asks you what’s new, tell them about the newest temple that was announced or the latest talk that President Nelson gave
- Ask other people about their own beliefs and be genuine
- Be bold and unashamed when talking about your beliefs
Day-to-day missionary work
- Put an “I love Jesus” sign in your front yard
- Attach an “I love Jesus” bumper sticker on your car
- Place a basket of free Books of Mormon on your front porch for the delivery people
- Leave a Book of Mormon and a thank you note in the mailbox for the mailperson
- Display images of Christ throughout your entire home
- Give pass along cards and Books of Mormon away at your next yard sale
- Invite your non-member friends to the next baptism, baby blessing or missionary farewell in your ward
- Leave a Book of Mormon in a Little Free Library
- Place an uplifting quote or note on the windshield of a car that you park next to
- Give a homeless person a pass along card and a warm meal
- Invite a non-member to speak or teach a skill in your ward
- Attach an “I love Jesus” keychain to your car keys
- Join an interfaith choir during the holidays
- Welcome everyone in your social circle regardless of religious affiliation
Member missionary work on vacation
- Leave a Book of Mormon in the hotel room or Airbnb where you stayed
- Carry a pass along card with you wherever you go
- If you’re from Utah, when people ask you where you are from, say, “I’m from Utah,” and then give them a pass along card and say, “This is what Utah is about.”
- Openly read a physical copy of the Book of Mormon on an airplane
- Give your Uber driver a pass along card, every time
- Leave a pass along card next to your tip at a restaurant
- Ask people for directions to the closest chapel for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Leave a pass along card or Book of Mormon on the airplane after you leave

Missionary work by example
Living the way Christ would live is sometimes the best way to be a member missionary and share your beliefs with others. The following ideas don’t need to be followed up by an invitation, just the way you live should inspire others to want to be better.
- Invite a neighbor over to dinner at your house
- Don’t swear
- Wear modest clothing
- Participate in a service project from Just Serve
- Get involved in the community
- Volunteer to coach your child’s sports team
- Weed your neighbor’s flower beds
- Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive through
- Join a book group
- Smile
- Volunteer in your child’s class at school
- Celebrate other religious holidays such as Ramadan, Hanukkah and Lent
- Start a playgroup that welcomes ALL of the kids in your neighborhood
Social media missionary work
- Follow other religious social media groups and actively comment on their posts
- Post images of baptisms, service projects, etc.
- Create a YouTube channel, Instagram or Facebook profile or podcast that focuses on Christ
- Share what you are grateful for such as temples, families, Jesus
- Advertise and invite others to watch General Conference
- Share your conversion story online
- Follow the profiles of the missionaries serving in your ward and comment on their posts
- Only post things online that would reflect a representative of Christ
Hopefully these ideas will spark of bit of inspiration for you and your member missionary endeavors. I created a simple handout listing all of the ideas above in one printable PDF. Click on the link below to print your own and hang it on your wall for inspiration. I offer this printable for FREE to all visitors of my blog, but if you’d like to show your support, feel free to buy me a taco 🌮.
Click here to print your free printable on 50 ways to be a member missionary
I believe people are genuine and good. And regardless of whether or not they are interested in becoming a member of my church or not, I want them to know that they are loved. What other ideas do you have for sharing the gospel with others? Leave your comments below.
Related link: Print your free family prayer chart
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