Two life-changing habits every woman needs
Everyone wants to be happy, right? But sometimes we just need the right habits to get us there. I discovered two of these habits and they have made the biggest difference in my overall health and happiness. Here’s how you can you start these habits too.

After the birth of my fourth child, I knew I needed a change. I loved being a mother but something was missing. After cleaning my house for the millionth time and changing poopy diaper after poopy diaper, I needed some “me” time. Plus, those pre-baby jeans just weren’t fitting like they used to.

So, I started asking around a little bit. I found the change that I was searching for in the most unexpected way and it came in the form of two simple but life-changing habits.
Habit #1: Join an exercise group
I started exercising with a group of about three to four women three days a week at 6 a.m. Our workouts varied from Cross Fit, Kickboxing and even Step Aerobics. After just a couple of weeks, I felt healthier and stronger. Fast forward three and a half years and this is one of the best habits I have ever formed. I never have to plan or worry about getting my exercise. I always know when and where.
It’s amazing how much easier it is to get up in the morning when you know someone else is waiting for you. Otherwise, it is too easy to just hit the snooze button, especially when it is cold outside.
Before I joined my workout group, the only exercise I got was very inconsistent. I would go jogging here and there and I didn’t do any strength training. It felt awful. But now, things are different. I will never go back to exercising by myself.

Habit #2: Spend time with friends
We all have relationships in our lives. We might be a sister, a mother, a wife or a grandmother. But sometimes we can be surrounded by people everyday and still feel lonely. There is a void. That’s how I felt. Then I discovered this workout group. Women need other women. We’re social creatures and sometimes we just need another woman to talk to.
Fortunately, if you join an exercise group, the second habit is already done! Working out for one hour, three days a week with the other ladies in my group gives us a chance to catch up on each other’s lives. It’s like therapy but a whole lot cheaper!

Give these habits a try
I know what you’re thinking, this is nothing new. But you can’t knock it until you try it. Get some friends together and get a gym membership, workout at a park or start walking group. You will get your exercise and let go of the stresses in your life at the same time. These habits won’t solve all of your problems, but it will take care of two possibly neglected areas in your life. You’ll be surprised and happy with the results.
What other habits have you formed that have helped you in your life? Leave your comments below.
Related link: My number one post-partum regret