Gender Reveal Smash Cake for the whole family
Of all the ways that you can have a gender reveal, this one just might be the most fun. We combined the ever-popular smash cake with the energy of our four crazy boys and it couldn’t have turned out more exciting. Here’s how you can do this yourself as well.

Since this is our last child, we wanted to involve all four of our boys during the gender reveal. But all of the ideas on the Internet didn’t seem to fit. That’s when we thought of a smash cake. It was perfect. My boys were stoked and we had a blast watching. Here’s how we did it.

Gather your gender reveal supplies
The best part about revealing the gender of your baby with a smash cake is how EASY it is! You don’t need hardly any supplies at all. Here’s a list of items that you’ll need:
- Two box cake mixes
- Two containers of store-bought frosting
- Pink and blue plastic safety pins
- Blue, pink and black writing gel icing

Get everything ready for the reveal
First things first, bake your cake. I just combined the all of the ingredients for two store-bought cake mixes. Then pour your cake batter onto a butter cookie sheet and bake according to directions on the box. Then, ask your ultrasound tech to write down your baby’s gender and put it in an envelope. Give a friend or neighbor the envelope, frosting, cake and one plastic pink and blue safety pin. Then they can insert the correct safety pin into the cake and then frost it without you seeing.

Start digging!
You might want to pull out the camera for this part. Gather your kids and place the cake on a flat surface in the kitchen. It’s going to get really messy. Tell your kids to start digging through the cake. My kids really got into this. My two oldest boys smashed their faces into the cake right away. It actually took a little longer than I thought for my kids to find the safety pin. And guess what?! It’s a girl! We couldn’t believe it.

I started crying because I was so shocked. I thought for sure it was going to be a boy. Needless to say, we were all screaming in excitement. It was really the perfect way to find out what we were having. I would highly recommend it. Here’s a video of the entire experience for your viewing pleasure.
What other ideas do you have for a gender reveal? Leave your comments below

Related link: 40+ creative ways to announce your pregnancy
Yes!!! That is the best reveal yet. GIRL! YES🙂🙂🙂
Yayyy! So excited for you!!!!
Congrats Marie, I’m so happy for you. Also, I have a ton of really cute baby girl things for you. Yay! 😁❤
Thanks! We are way excited! We would love some girl clothes if you don’t need them.
You had me in tears! Love this.