Print these fun pin poke printables for every holiday of the year
Pin poke printables are one of my kids’ favorite activities and they are so easy to do. Here’s 28 different holidays images that you can print, poke and color all day long. Your kids will be entertained for hours.

My kids are always looking for easy and fun activities to do at home. That’s why I love pin poke printables. They are perfect for any age and they help my kids develop their fine motor skills. Plus, they really like doing them! Here’s how you can do some pin poke pages today.

Download your pin poke printables
So, I designed seven pages of holiday-themed pin poke activities. Each page has four images per page. Basically, there are four images for every holiday of the year: Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Click on the link below to download your printable pages.
Click here to download your Pin Poke Printable Pages

Print and cut your pages
Once you’ve downloaded your PDF of the poke pages, you’ll need to cut out the four images on each page. You should end up with 28 different images (four for each holiday). I like to cut my pages out with a paper cutter. It’s faster and makes straighter cuts.

Start poking!
Now for the fun part. I let each of my kids choose the poke page that they wanted. Then, you’ll need a push pin or you can buy a pin poke tool that has a wooden handle for easy gripping.

Place one of the pin poke printables on a piece of cardboard, a throw pillow or a corkboard pad and poke a tiny hole into each of the tiny dots on the image. Continue until all of the dots have been poked and the image is complete.

Once you’re done, display all of your completed pages on a window. The light shines through the holes so you can see the image. My kids love hanging their completed creations up for everyone to see.

I hope you enjoy these poke punch pages as much as we did. Here’s a link to download your printable pages just in case you didn’t see the link above:
Click here to download your Pin Poke Printable Pages
Let me know in the comments below if you have any other fun activity ideas for kids that are easy for all ages.
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