Print the three bears of baptism gift tag for your next LDS baptism
If you have an LDS baptism coming up for your child, grandchild or neighbor, the three bears of baptism is the perfect gift. It’s simple and reminds that special someone of the covenants they are making on their big day. Check it out.

Baptism day is a big day for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can become a member as early as your eighth birthday. So, this gift tag is the perfect way to tell that eight-year-old how much you love them.

Story of the Three Bears of Baptism
This story is actually a talk about baptism that has been circulating in the LDS culture for years. Basically, you talk about thee different bears that represent the promises that you make when you are baptized:
- 1st bear: Bear the name of Jesus Christ
- 2nd bear: Bear one another’s burdens
- 3rd bear: Bear testimony
For complete details on this talk click here.
Print your three bears of baptism gift tag
Whether you’re giving a talk at a baptism or not, this gift tag is perfect gift for that special boy or girl getting baptized. First, you’ll want to download and print your baptism gift tag. The link is at the end of this blog post. I designed this gift tag in three different sizes, so you can pick which one you want the most.

Cut and attach your gift tag
Once I had my gift tags printed, I just got some scissors and cut out the tag that I wanted. You can also cut them with a paper cutter, but scissors were just as easy.

You have several options for bear-themed gifts that you can attach to your tag. Here’s a few ideas:
Whichever gift you choose, just make sure that you attach the gift tag to it. I just used some white ribbon but you can use whatever you want. It turned out so cute!

That’s it! I hope your child, grandchild, niece or nephew will love this Three Bears of Baptism gift. If you would like to purchase and download the gift tag PDF, click on the link below:
Click here to download your Three Bears of Baptism Gift Tag
More from My Silly Squirts: Print these fun LDS Gift Tags