Get organized! 6 tips to making an effective to do list
I love to-do lists. It gives me so much satisfaction. But did you know it’s possible to make ineffective to-do lists? Yep. But, don’t worry. I’m here to help you get organized with these 10 tips to making an effective to do list. Check it out!

There are all types of to-do lists but we want to take a bad to-do list and turn it into a good to-do list. When I was in college, I heard a presentation about how to make an effective to-do list and it really stuck with me. Since that day, I have implemented the process and it has made a world of a difference in my productivity from day-to-day. So, let me share my wisdom with you.
Tip #1: Make a long list of ALL the things you need to do
The first step is the easiest. Inevitably, Mondays seem like the most overwhelming days. Fresh off the heels of the weekend, my mind is flooded with the millions of things that I need to get done that day and week. It’s best practice to make an action plan and write everything down. This written list doesn’t take much time and then I can better visualize how I’m actually going to get it done.
Here’s a daily to-do list that I designed that I like to use instead of a random scrap piece of paper. There’s plenty a slots to fill everything including a space for due dates. Don’t hold back. Put your entire list of tasks on there.

Tip #2: Prioritize each item on your list
Once you have a giant list of smaller tasks, put a number one next to the first task that is the most urgent. Then a number two next to the second-most urgent item. Continue this process until each item is prioritized. Then, don’t start on number two until number one is complete. In essence, you’re putting the most important stuff at the top of your to-do list into priority levels. Then, you will have peace of mind at the end of the day that everything on your list and your most important tasks and urgent tasks will eventually get done in the order that is the most appropriate.
Tip #3: Release some checklist endorphins
This might seem a no-brainer but make sure you mark off each item on your to-do list as you accomplish them. That’s because checking items on your to-do list actually releases endorphins. Yep. It makes you happy and gives you a feeling of accomplishment. So, celebrate when you complete tasks and give yourself credit for what you’ve already done. It’s a great way to stay motivated.
Tip #4: Divide your daily tasks onto a weekly to do list
If your daily list has gotten longer than you thought, divide your long list to separate lists and assign items to specific days of the week. That way, the next day, you don’t feel like you have to get everything done in one day. Plus, it helps you to be more organized and on top of everything that needs to get done. If a particular task is giving you a hard time, move it to a different daily routine.
Here’s my weekly to-do list that works great with the daily to-do list.

Tip #5: Don’t forget to include your meal planning
Whether you’re a mom of five or single, meal planning is an important part of a well-balance lifestyle. It’s unavoidably connected to your to-do list because, well, everyone eats. So, use this meal planning printable to write down your menu for the week as you’re completing your to do list.

Tip #6: Accomplish long-term goals with a monthly list
Sometimes we’re so hyper focused on the day-to-day that we forget about our long-term goals. Keeping a monthly task list close by when you’re writing your daily and weekly lists, will help you have a monthly action plan and keep your goals in perspective. Plus it helps you focus on new goals and bigger projects within a certain time period.

Hopefully with this popular method, you’ll have more free time for your personal tasks and help you make a more effective to do list and accomplish everything you want to accomplish. If written to do lists aren’t your thing, you could also try digital to-do lists on a to-do list app or a note-taking app. Let me know how it goes in the comments below.
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