10 Tips and tricks to a blissfully organized home
As of late, I was feeling stressed. Why? My house was a complete mess! I had to rectify the situation and get organized ASAP. Here’s some tips and tricks that I found along the way that I know will help you.
The main living areas of my house weren’t really messy. However inside the drawers, closets and bedrooms, there were mountains of junk. I felt like the junk was spilling over into peace of mind. It was getting crowded. So, I took one week and went organizing crazy. It was amazing what a difference it made.
So here’s some tips that will help you to get organized and de-stress.
Toss it and forget it
You haven’t used those size four Levis, old cell phones and college text books in years. So get rid of them. As a rule of thumb, if you haven’t used it in two years, get rid of it. Don’t hold onto that junk!
Bins and boxes for everything
From pencils to jewelry to staples and crafts. You need a tiny spot for all of your tiny things. You don’t even have to go to the store to find these boxes. Start with egg cartons, tupperware and shoe boxes. The dollar store is also a treasure trove for boxes and you won’t break the bank! If you want to buy them online, check out these interlocking drawer organizing bins or these foldable drawer dividers for all of your small clothing items.
Use a basement basket
If you have multiple levels in your home, put a basement basket by your stairs. As you tidy your home everyday, place the items that go in the basement inside your basket. When everything is cleaned on the main level of your home, take just ONE trip down to the basement and put away everything in your basket.
Everything should have a place
We all have that random counter space that collects all that random stuff. Pretty soon, that junk piles higher and higher and you won’t know where to find anything. Think logically where something should belong in the house and put it there. For example, fingernail clippers go in the bathroom drawer, batteries go in the fridge and socks go in the dresser. You get the idea.
Store toys and board games strategically
Keep your kids’ toys confined to the basement or their own individual bedrooms. Don’t store toys in the main living area of the home. It clutters your home and causes a constant mess. With that being said, store board games in a main area that your kids can reach easily. I used to store our board games in the basement on a high shelf. That didn’t stop my kids from getting the games down and losing the pieces all over the basement. Now, I store them in the TV stand of our living room.
Snow clothes and swim suits unite
This might seem counter intuitive, but I hate dragging the swim suits and winter clothes in and out of storage. Just put them together in organized drawers in a closet. Easy access regardless of the weather.
Dump and do it
If you need to organize your fridge, take EVERYTHING in the fridge and dump it on the counter. If you’re organizing the closet, take everything in the closet and dump it on the floor. Then throw away everything you don’t want or use. See what’s left and organize them neatly in tiny boxes.
Invest in a shoe cabinet
If you’ve ever rummaged through a big bucket of shoes and never found a matching pair, then you’ll understand why a shoe cabinet is worth the investment. Your kids will always know where to find their shoes because they have their own shoe drawer. I’ve done this for several years and I think my blood pressure has decreased significantly since then.
Make a placeholder for important papers
Instead of piling those important papers on that random counter space, hang a single pocket wall file in an inconspicuous place in your kitchen. Put all your important papers in labeled manila folders in there. Then, every quarter, transfer those papers into a more permanent spot like a filing cabinet or safe.
Train your kids to be organizers
All of this organizing won’t do you any good unless your kids keep it organized. Provide incentives when they do their part and punishments when they don’t. Here’s some good rules to follow:
- Backpacks go on hooks right after school
- Shoes go in shoe drawer right when you get home
- Don’t get out a different game or toy until the first one is put away
- No food outside of the kitchen
- Clean your bedroom and make your bed every day
- Clear the table and tidy kitchen after dinner
I hope these tips will help you get your home organized. It definitely helped me. I feel completely at ease and less stressed out when my home is tidy. It’s amazing how much better it makes me feel.
Related link: How to organize your kids’ shoes for good
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