Start a “Gift for Jesus Christmas Tradition” under your tree this year
Amid the craziness of shopping and parties and toys, toys, toys, here’s a meaningful way to remember Christ during the holidays with your family. It’s called a Gift for Jesus Christmas Tradition and you’re going to love it. Check it out.
So, I didn’t think of this tradition. My sister-in-law gave me the idea. We were at her house and she had a wrapped present under her Christmas tree with lots of strips of paper inside. It piqued my interest so she told me all about it. It’s so easy and so memorable. Check it out.
What is a Gift for Jesus Christmas Tradition?
Basically, you wrap a small box in Christmas wrapping paper or just place a bow on a simple box and attach the poem which reads:
What do I give the King of Kings,
who gave his life for me? …
Who brought peace to earth,
raised the dead and caused the blind to see?
There’s only one thing the Savior wants
from each of us this year,
Forgetting ourselves and taking time
to spread happiness and cheer.
So each day before Christmas,
take some time to help someone along their way,
Write down your good deeds then
read them aloud together on Christmas day.
Inside the box, place the Gift for Jesus forms inside with a pen and place the box under the Christmas tree. When someone in your family does something nice for someone, they can write it down and place it in the box. Continue this everyday throughout December. Finally, on Christmas day, open the box and read all of the good deeds that your family has performed.
Gather your supplies
This Christmas tradition doesn’t take much work at all. First, you’ll need a wrapped Christmas present that you can open and close easily. You could use these cute gift boxes with red ribbon and removable lids or you could go more vintage with these sturdy brown boxes with lids and just a big ribbon like I did.
Print your gift tags and forms
The Christmas tradition wouldn’t be complete without the gift tag. I wrote a cute little poem that explains the tradition. You can cut out the gift tag and tape it to the gift so everyone can read it.
I designed several small gift tags and two large gift tags depending on the size of your wrapped present. There is also a page with 16 forms that you can print and cutout. To print your gift tags and forms, just click on the link below:
Click here to print your Gift for Jesus gift tag and forms
Start serving!
Once your present is under the tree, you can start your Gift for Jesus Christmas Tradition. I told my kids that whoever has the most acts of service in the box on Christmas day gets a prize. It just gives them a little bit of motivation. But out of all the presents that you’ll open on Christmas day, I can guarantee that this gift will be the most rewarding.
Want to learn more about Jesus?
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe in Jesus and we try our best to follow his example by loving and serving others. If you want to learn more about Jesus and our beliefs, click here to find a chapel and worship services near you.
If you want to acquire more of the light of Jesus in your life and connect with a life coach, click here.
I hope this blog post was helpful as you start this new Gift for Jesus Christmas Tradition. Here’s the link to the gift tag and forms if you didn’t see it above.
Click here to print your Gift for Jesus gift tag and forms
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