Mouse traps: The best and the worst
You only need to see one mouse in your house before you’re feverishly Googling mouse traps online. But don’t be fooled by the many options out there. Not all mouse traps are created equal. So, after catching our fair share of mice, here’s what we learned along the way.

Aside from living close to an open field, our older home unfortunately attracts mice every now and again. And nothing gets me more on edge that seeing a tiny mouse scurry past my feet. Ugh!! So, after catching upwards to 20-30 mice, we’ve found the mouse traps that work the best. Here we go!

The Best: Snap traps
When you think of mouse traps, most people always think of the traditional snap trap and for good reason. They are relatively affordable and actually work. But, there are actually quite a few to choose from.
First place snap trap: Authenzo Mouse Trap SX-5006
With more than 2,000 reviews on Amazon and 4.5 out of 5 stars, this snap trap is reusable, safe and 100% effective. You don’t have to worry about getting your fingers snapped. For $16 for a six pack, I think this is a steal.

Second place snap trap: Acmind Mouse Trap
This trap is a close second. It has all of the same capabilities of the Authenzo Mouse Trap SX-5006, it just has less reviews on Amazon. But still has 4.5 out of 5 stars. Plus, it is a little bit less expensive. You won’t have any trouble catching mice with this dependable trap.

Third place snap trap: Victor Original Mouse Trap
This trap might not be as advanced as the two above, but it does the job. And you can always find these traps at the store in a pinch for about 50 cents each. Technically they are reusable and fairly easy to set once you get the hang of it. I have caught more mice off of this snap trap than any other mouse trap.

Alternative mouse traps
If you don’t have the option of buying one of the above listed snap traps, not to worry. There’s still some other really great alternative options that work as well.
Buy a cat
Chances are, if you own a cat, you don’t have a mouse problem. Cats are the best mouse hunters! They even take pride in their kills and sometimes leave a dead mouse or two on the doorstep for their owners. I actually tried owning a cat for about a day. But, alas, I’m just not a cat person. So, I had to revert back to the snap traps.

Five-gallon bucket traps
These traps are great options if you are the do-it-yourself type. The basic idea behind these traps is to lure the mouse to fall into a five-gallon bucket that is filled with water. You can imagine what happens after that. There are two basic versions of the bucket traps:

You can buy these trap attachments on Amazon for less than $15, or you can make your own. The video below show you how to make both! We had the best luck with the plank trap.
Just plug this into the wall and it releases a high-intensity ultrasonic sound and covers up to 7,000 square feet. I haven’t tried this option but my friend said that it works like magic. And 323 people on Amazon gave it 4 out of 5 stars. Plus, with a one-year money back guarantee, you can’t really go wrong.

The worst mouse traps
Although the traps listed below work sometimes, they just don’t cut it. You’re best off saving your money. Take a look.
Sticky traps
These super sticky traps don’t really lure in a mouse. If they happen to step on it, they are still alive! That gives the mouse the chance to somehow wriggle free. Then you’re left with a trap full of mouse hair!

Mouse poison
There are too many variables with mouse poison. What if a pet or child finds it? What happens to a bird who eats a mouse who has poison in its system. It’s too much to worry about.

Saran wrap bucket
This is similar to the other five-gallon bucket ideas above, except it doesn’t work, ha ha! You just put a sheet of saran wrap over a five-gallon bucket and then make a small hole in the middle. Hypothetically, the mouse is supposed to walk on the saran wrap and fall in the hole. It doesn’t work.

Mouse catching tips and tricks
It’s hard to avoid mice sometimes. They come whether you want them to or not, but here are some helpful tips and tricks to managing these pesky rodents.
- Get rid of chickens or move to corner of yard (mice like chicken food)
- Clean your garage often
- Fill small holes in foundation with expanding foam
- Don’t leave your front door open!
- Don’t live near a field
- Put out some moth balls (mice hate them)
- Install weather stripping
- Hire pest control
- Don’t leave open food outside

What ideas do you have for getting rid of mice? Leave your comments below.
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