The easiest birthday present that every kid will LOVE
I run into this dilemma every time my kids get invited to a birthday party: What do I get for the birthday present? Well, I finally found a solution that is practical, affordable and is a guaranteed hit. Every child loves this present every without fail. So check it out.

Sometimes I feel like among all four of my boys, I am buying a birthday present for another party about two or three times a month. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like a good birthday party as much as the next person, but I wanted to make my life a little easier. Then, I thought of this great idea for a present.

Money balloons birthday present
Here’s what you do. Go to the bank and withdraw some crisp $1 bills. You can take out $10 or the same number of $1 bills as the age of the birthday boy or girl (if they’re under 10 years old, it makes the present even more affordable). Then go to the party store and pick out same number of Qualatex 11″ clear balloons as dollar bills.

Then, take your $1 bills and insert on of them into each of the balloons. You can also ask the person who will fill the balloons to insert the money as well. Make sure you tell them that you want hi float into the balloons. If you don’t put hi float in your balloons, they won’t even last 24 hours before they start to droop to the ground.

Then, attach the child’s favorite soda or drink and candy bar to the ribbons hanging from the balloons. You can’t really go wrong with Gatorade and a Mamba.

Voila! You’re done. Wow, that is a pretty awesome birthday present for us $20! Plus, the child can keep the balloons on display or pop each one of them and gather the money. It’s their choice.

We first got the idea of giving away money as a present when our neighbor gave our son a box of balloons with money inside of them. We just took it a step further with the helium and the clear balloons.

My boys gave this present to their cousin who was turning nine years old. He got nine balloons and $9! It didn’t take him very long to pop every single one. It was great!
What other ideas do you have for presents for your kids’ friend birthday parties? Leave your comments below.
Related link: Chomp! It’s time for a shark birthday party