Bombs Away! Think fast with this fun water balloon game
It’s summertime, so that means water balloon time. And you’re going to love this new water balloon game. This quick-thinking brain buster will keep you dry or dripping wet! Play it with your kids today.

It takes me about 60 minutes to fill up 100 water balloon. Since it took so long, I wanted to make them last longer than 1 minute. So, I created this fun water balloon game called Bombs Away. My boys and their friends loved it. Here’s how you play.

Prep water balloon game
Fill up 20-30 water balloons. If you don’t want to spend an hour like I did, you can use these rapid-filling and self-sealing water balloons. Then, find a tree branch, ladder or high point that a child can climb up to safely. You’ll also need a stopwatch.

Play the game
Instruct one child to sit down on the grass. Tell another child to grab a water balloon and climb up above the child who is sitting on the grass. You can use a tree, ladder, dome climber or other playground equipment to do this. Just make sure it is safe.

Then, tell the child on the ground that they have 20 seconds to name 10 items from a given category. If they can’t name at least 10 items before the timer goes off, the child above gets to pop a water balloon onto his or her head! Here’s a video that I made to explain this game and to see it in action. Take a look:
You can download instructions below which include ideas for different categories for the kids.

As a fun variation to this game, you can have two kids on the grass and two up above. Whichever child on the grass names ten items from the chosen category last, gets the water balloon dropped on the them. Repeat as many times as you would like.

I hope your kids have as much fun playing this water balloon game as we did. What other water balloon game ideas do you have? Leave your ideas in the comments below.
Related link: How to throw a wet ‘n wild birthday party
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