DIY window clings for kids in simple three steps
Doings crafts with your kids doesn’t have to be difficult. These DIY window clings are super, super easy and fun. Plus it opens up all kinds of creativity. In just three steps, you can have your own. Check it out.

Our efforts to entertain our kids amid the COVID-19 social distancing has proved to be super fun! We decided to try making our own window clings and I wondered why we hadn’t done them before. Plus, it only took three steps.

Step #1: Buy or make window clings solution
So, if you’re ambitious, you can actually make your own window clings solution with Elmer’s glue and food coloring. Or, you can buy puffy fabric paints, which is what I did. The paints were perfect for tiny details and a plethora of bright colors. Plus, I was just lazy.

Step #2: Start making your creations
Gently squeeze the puffy paint onto a piece of plastic such as a gallon Ziploc bag or a sheet protector. You can also print out coloring pages of simple images (car, frog, hamburger, etc.) and slip it inside the plastic. Then you can trace your image. Or you can just make up your own design.

Your designs will work best if you are generous with the puffy paints. The thicker they are, the easier they are to peel off. However, don’t use too much or the image won’t be as clear and defined.

Step #3: Peel and hang
This part is the probably the hardest because you have to wait quite a while for your window clings to dry. Ours took a day and a half to completely dry. If you try to peel them off before they are dry, they will fall apart. So, be patient.

Once they are dry, carefully peel the clings off the plastic. You might want to let an adult do this part. They are rather fragile. Finally, attach them to a window or mirror in your house and enjoy!

I hope your kids will enjoy making these window clings are much as we did. What other boredom busters do you have? Leave your comments below.
Related link: FREE shrinky dink templates