30+ stay at home mom tips and tricks to make your life easier
Being a stay at home mom is awesome but just like anything, it can have its ups and downs. But there are a few tips and tricks that can help you navigate this time in your life with less stress and more good memories.

I have been at stay at home mom ever since I started having kids 13 years ago. I have considered it one of the greatest blessings in my entire life. I want to be at home with my kids. It is very important to me. But, with that being said, being at home full time with your kids can be stressful. So, I’ve put together a list of tips and tricks to make your life a little bit easier as a SAHM. Check it out.

Summertime tips
Stay at home mom tips are super helpful during the summer, when all of your kids are at home and you need to keep your sanity. Here’s a few ideas:
- Outside – Go somewhere with your kids every single day.
- Museum pass – Buy an annual pass to a museum, waterpark or other venue that you know your kids will enjoy.
- Beach Ball Bucks – This simple rewards system will help provide the structure and motivation your kids need during the summer.
- Playgroups – Get together with other moms and kids in your neighborhood. Gather at a different park every week.
- Chore wheel – You shouldn’t have to clean the house by yourself every day. Assign your kids chores on a regular basis.
- Trampoline – This is by far the one item that will keep all of your kids’ attention for the longest.
- Garden – If you have the space, a garden is a great way to get your kids outside throughout the summer. Make them weed, harvest the vegetables and then cook them together as a family.
- Camping – Even if you’re not a camper, trust me, your kids will have no trouble staying entertained in the mountains. It’s a bit of work getting there but it’s such a great way to decompress and make some memories.
- Spontaneity – Have a food fight, a sleepover in the backyard or a random dance party after dinner. Mix up those routine days and make life fun.
- Summertime Door Poster – These posters can more than 200 summertime activities to keep your kids busy.
- Lemonade Stands – This is a summertime staple that keeps your kids busy for a few hours and they earn some money at the same time.
- Camps – Sign your kids up for scout camp, swimming camp or a sports camp.
School year tips
- Unbirthdays – Take each of your kids on a date night once a month. They need individual time with mom.
- Netflix and chill – If your kids are all in school, take a minute for yourself. Don’t feel guilty about turning on a show and relaxing for a bit.
- Mornings – You don’t have time to do anything except for help your kids get ready for school in the mornings. You’ll just get frustrated if you start on your “to do” list before they leave.
- Afternoons – Your kids need your undivided attention when they get home from school. It provides a lot of stability in a child’s life when they can depend on their mom being home for them everyday after school.
- Outside – Just like in the summertime, take time to go outside during the school year. Getting stuck inside folding laundry and cleaning the house all day makes you feel unproductive even though that is productive.
- Be present – It’s possible to be a stay at home mom without actually being there for your kids. Put aside your phone and “to do” list and spend time with your kids.
Time away from the kids
- Annual trip – Go on a trip with your spouse every single year.
- Working out – Find a friend who will workout with you several times a week. It’s great for adult conversation and your health
- Book group – This is another great way to do something for yourself and socializing with other adults.
- Girls’ Trip – Even if it’s just overnight, schedule some time to get away from your spouse and your kids. It’s one of the very important stay at home mom tips.
- Find your thing – Everyone needs a hobby or something that makes you feel accomplished outside of being a mom. I like blogging, going to yard sales and decorating for the holidays.
- Spirituality – Religion may not be your thing, but I find the greatest peace as a mother when I strengthen my relationship with God on a daily basis.
- Bedtime – Be strict with an early bedtime. Then you can have a few moments to yourself in the evening.
- Mom guilt – You dedicate everything to you kids, but mom guilt is a real thing. It’s okay to take time away from your kids.
Toddlers and babies
- Helping at school – If you have a baby or a toddler, don’t feel obligated to drag them to the elementary school to host a Christmas party for 25 kindergarteners. Wait until your kids are older. You don’t have to do it all.
- Screen time – Don’t feel guilty if you put your two-year-old (who refuses to take naps) in front of the TV for a bit while you get some stuff done.
- Bath time – Baths are a great way for moms to entertain the little ones and they love it too.
- Jogging stroller – Babies love walks.
- Preschool – Kids need to learn independence and moms need to let go. Preschool is a great way to start.
- Naps – It’s a sad day when babies transition out of naps, so take full advantage while they still do.
- Grocery store – Plan your shopping trips when someone can watch your kids. Your life will be so much easier.
Hopefully these stay at home mom tips will help you. Let me know if you have any other tips in the comments below.
More from My Silly Squirts: How to survive the grocery store with kids