30 Easy and fun Minute to Win It games for teens
Nothing says “party” like a bunch of Minute to Win It games for teens. Whether you have a larger group or smaller groups, they are so easy and everyone can participate. These team competition games are so much fun, even your moody teenager would approve. So, check it out!

So, I was recently in charge of a LDS youth activity with the teenagers from my church. It was kind of last minute so I had to think of something that would entertain 15 teenagers for an hour. Thank goodness for Minute to Win It games. These are a real challenge and super fun activities. Here’s 25 games for teenagers.

#1: Sticky Note Face
In teams of two, see which players can place the most sticky notes on their teammates face with on hand in one minute. This is a fun game.

#2: Blind Food Challenge
See who can identify the most different food blindfolded in one minute.
#3: Cereal Box Puzzle
Cut out the front of a cereal box into squares and see which player can put together the puzzle in one minute.
#4: Cookie Face
Use your facial muscles to see whoever can wiggle an Oreo cookie from their forehead to their mouth the fastest without using their hands.

#5: Mummy Wrap
Each team chooses one player to sit in the chair and be wrapped with either toilet paper or crepe paper. The second player sitting is given the end of the roll to hold.
When the timer starts players need to use their toilet paper rolls to continuously wrap their friend up. Whichever team wraps their player up the most in 1-minute wins.
#6: Keep It Up
See which player can keep three balloons in the air simultaneously without any of them touching the ground for three minutes.
#7: Stack Attack
With 21 plastic solo cups each, see which player can build and disassemble a pyramid the fastest. They each have their own stack of cups.

#8: Balloon Cups
With a balloon in each players’ mouths, they need to blow up a balloon into a red Solo cup and then lift the cup into the next cup and then let the air out of the balloon. Continue this process until 20 cups are filled. See who can stack all the cups within one minute. Avoid using small balloons such as water balloons.
#9: Vertical Golf Balls
In less than 60 seconds, players have to stack 3 golf balls vertically. They can take as many shots as possible, as long as there’s still time on the clock.
#10: Junk in the Trunk
This is one of the classic Minute to Win It Games for teens. Tie an empty tissue box with a belt attached to it onto the player’s waist. With the box filled with 10 ping pong balls, see whoever can shake the most ping-pong balls out of their tissue box within one minute. However, they can lean backwards (like they are in the picture below). That’s cheating. This is a fun minute to watch.

#11: By a thread
Use one hand to thread a piece of thread through the eye of 10 needles. Make sure to line them up vertically, with their eyelets decreasing in size. This isn’t a very easy minute for the players but it’s a great way to have some laughs.
#12: Jell-O Search
Players must find objects hidden in a bowl or casserole dish filled with Jell-O with no hands and blindfolded. Whoever finds the most objects in one minute wins.
#13: Blindfold Bowling
This one is just as it sounds. Using a plastic toy bowling set, see how many pins the player can knock down on the other side of the room with a bowling ball in one minute while blindfolded. You can have a different player set the pins back up each time.

#15: Chocolate Unicorn
In less than 60 seconds, players must balance 7 chocolate cookies on their forehead, and keep them there for 3 seconds.
#16: Noodling Around
Players must thread 6 pieces of penne pasta onto a piece of uncooked spaghetti that is being held in their mouth. They must be threaded on piece at a time and without the use of their hands.
#17: Water Bottle Flip
Every teenager loves the chance to show off their water bottle flipping skills. In this can, see which player can correctly flip a water bottle and land it upright in one minute.

#18: Speed Eraser
Players must bounce the eraser end of pencils off the table and get them to land inside six glass cups that are lined up in front of them. Each player must get one pencil inside each cup in less than one minute.
#19: Cotton Ball Game
Using a soup spoon, players must scoop as many cotton balls as they can in one minute into a bowl that they are holding on their heads with their other hand.
#20: Skittle Sort
With a bag of Skittles and cups with color-coded labels, so which player can place the most Skittles into the corresponding cups in one minute.

#21: Suck it up
Players must transfer plastics beads from one bowl into another bowl by sucking them up one at a time with a straw. Most beads transferred in one minute wins.
#22: Watermelon Card Throw
Cut a watermelon in half and make the juicy side face the player. Give the player a stack of playing cards and have him/her stand a few feet away from the watermelon. They need to throw a card in such a way that it will stick into the watermelon. The one who sticks the most cards wins.
#23: Marshmallow Pick Up Game
See which player can pick up as many mini marshmallows and put them into a bowl using only skewers or chopsticks. They aren’t allowed to stab the marshmallows with the skewers.

#24: Vaseline Nose
Put Vaseline on each player’s nose. Each player has to transfer cotton balls from one plate to another without using his/her hands.
#25: Donut Drop
Tie a string around a doughnut and hang it in-between two chairs. Using only their mouths, players must eat the entire doughnut without using their hands or letting it fall off of the string.
#26: Starburst Stack
Team members must see how many wrapped Starbursts a player can stack onto a popsicle stick that another player is holding in their mouth in one minute. It must be one single stack. The tallest tower of candy wins. This is a fun one for birthday parties.

#27: Elephant March
Using a pair of pantyhose with a tennis ball inside, players must place the top of the pantyhose on top of their head. Then, they have one minute to knock over as many water bottles as they can by swinging the pantyhose (with the ball inside). This will be the funniest minute of your life.
#28: Feather Breath
See which players can keep a feather floating in the air for one minute by blowing on it. They are not allowed to use their hands. This is a great game.
#29: Get the Penny
The aim of the game is to put 1 penny into each leg of a pair of pantyhose. Have the player try to retrieve both pennies in under 1 minute.
#30: Ping Pong Drop
The first player that can score the most points in one minute by rolling ping pong balls across a long table and into paper cups that are taped to the end of the table is the winner.

I hope these Minute to Win It games for teens will be a hit at your next party. Aside from youth group games, these simple games also work great for a family game night, even if you have younger players or older kids. Let me know how it goes in the comments below.
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