5 tricks to curb the snack time munchies
You just ate a healthy, lunch of carrots, salad and an apple. Good job. But then 2 o’clock in the afternoon rolls around and the snack time munchies creep in. First it’s a string cheese. Then some chips. And then three handfuls of chocolate-covered almonds! Before you know it, you’re feeling sick and frustrated. “I wasn’t even hungry!” So how do you curb those snack time munchies? Keep reading to find out.
A lot of the time, it’s not what we’re eating, it’s HOW MUCH we are eating that can make the difference between a healthy lifestyle and an unhealthy one.
So here’s five tricks that you can follow to curb those snack time munchies and wait until you are hungry for real.
#1 Brush your teeth
Get into the habit of brushing your teeth right after lunch and dinner. It keeps you from overeating and makes you feel like you’re done eating. So, only eat the food you prepared on your plate, then stop and brush your teeth.
#2 Drink a big glass of water
Alright, you brushed your teeth. Thirty minutes have gone by and you feel like eating a handful of M&Ms. Instead, drink a big glass of water. All of us can drink more water and it’s makes you feel full. Better yet, keep a water bottle next to you throughout the day.
#3 Chew some sugar-free gum
It has been an hour and a half since lunch. You’re not really full but you’re not really hungry either. Don’t fall for the snack time munchies. Instead, grab a piece of sugar-free gum. It’s a great alternative to eating. Plus, chewing on something will keep your mind off of mindless-eating.
#4 Go for a walk
Whether you’re at the office or at home. The best thing to do is to get your mind off of the snack attack. Get some fresh air and burn some calories. You’ll feel better.
#5 Keep yourself busy
If you’re laying around on the couch watching a movie, you’re bound to start snacking. But if you’re keeping your hands and your mind busy with something constructive, your body will naturally tell you when you’re hungry.
Most importantly, when you are hungry, eat a healthy snack like some fruit or a protein bar. You’ll feel better for having control over your body and your body will feel good too.
Other healthy lifestyle ideas
- Mindful eating: A conscious approach to health
- 14 Habits of People With a Healthy Relationship to Food
- 20 Easy Healthy Snack Ideas
- 15 Best Late-Night Snacks For Weight Loss
- Nutritional snack boxes delivered right to your home
What ideas do you have for curbing those snack time munchies? Leave your comments below.
Related link: Four tips to spice up your frozen food
Important note: This article does not constitute professional medical advice. Please consult a physician before starting a new diet.